JeffreY DeShawn Richardson
Life, Vision and Leadership Coach
MEet Jeffrey DeShaWN
After spending the last 20 years cultivating a career and journeying into my authentic self I have landed at my starter home personally, professionally and spiritually. From "do-gooder college graduate who wanted to change the world, to early career social worker seeking to have an impact and activist thirsting to make change; I am excited and honored to arrive into the next phase of my life and career launching forward with the vision to create a life, community and existence that makes me smile more than frown.
Focused on inspiring my family, community and fellow world citizens to healther, happier and spiritually aware lives, my energies and resources are now focused on my health, my communities health and the impact health has on access to inspired vocation and sustained occupation.
I coach, advise and train those seeking insight, awareness, and knowledge to transform their lives, careers and communities; as we collectively work to manifest a world where:
"All things are possible and nothing is out of reach".
Jeffrey DeShawn Richardson
Coach, Advisor, Trainer and Writer
Jeffrey DeShawn Richardson is a visionary leader who has built his career advising senior executives in the non-profit sector, higher education, politics and state & local government. As the Founder and Principal of Enspired Muse Coaching and Proof Point Management, Jeffrey DeShawn leads a coaching and management practice working with entrepreneurs and cross sector leaders to clarify vision and align vision, strategy and message as the pathway to achieving growth and scale.
No Safe Space
My journey from little black boy
to Black Gay Man in America
My Writing
You can follow my writing on several featured Blog sites
Features reflections and insights of my cultural observations and personal journey to deepened understanding and awareness as my creative pathway to transformation and change.
Features inspired words of edification and inspiration from my lens as an unapologetic child of God and believer in the divine pathway out of suffering made possible through faith in God and Christ.
My Career
As a trained macro and direct practice social worker Jeffrey's career has spanned higher-ed based research, counseling direct practice, community development, philantropy, poltics, government service, corporate social responsibility and volunteerism." A true Jeffrey of all trades and master of some!"
My Projects
Vision Creations by Jeffrey DeShawn
Nurturing the inspiration vision and skills of those working to heal their communities one block at a time.
Helping leaders lead and healers heal!
We The People Community Health Worker Coalition is a network of community health workers, advocates and practitioners committed to sharing resources and serving as a community of learning, practice and restoration for one another as an effort tool to increase health access for minority communities and other vulnerable populations.
We connect employers committed to inclusive community development to job seekers most shut out from opportunity and access.
Fueling the move from surviving to thriving!
Project LEAP is a workforce development initiative that links employers committed to inclusive community development to job seekers who are often those most shut out from opportunity and access.
Project LEAP serves anyone within community who has been shut out from accessing education, workforce and career opportunities because sexual orientation, gender identify or expression, race, gender, ethnicity or any other bias.
Full service concierege style mangement services firm specialiing in confidentiality and discretion.
When proof is needed.
Proof Point Management is a full service concierge style professional management services company serving individuals, organizations, enterprises and communities that desire and/or require discretionary management, advising and support while you cultivate your new idea, develop your strategy and/or overcome a recent challenge.
A Space Where Hope is Restored
We invite you in to create, explore and restore.
Restoration Station is collaborative venture in the Ward 7 East End Community of Washington, DC. Offering creatives, entrepreneurs and community members a safe space to meet, learn, grow and foster community.
Visit www.restorationstationdc.org to learn more
My company
Leveraging twenty years of relationships across sectors, Enspired Muse Founder and Principal Jeffrey DeShawn brings together a network of creatives, thinkers and makers that are leading the way in social change, innovation, personal and organizational transformation by supporting each other to clarify vision and align strategy with vision and message as the pathway to achieving growth and scale.
Are you interested in exploring professional or life coaching with a goal of achieving growth and enlightenment? Are you a social entrepreneur in need of a thought partner to move your vision from ideation to implementation? Or are you a creative looking to get unstuck and move beyond barriers to unleash your passion and innovation.
We invite you to join us on this journey as a partner or collaborator in growing the movement and leveraging our network to get you to your Win!
Check out my latest updates!
Let's collaborate to unlock potential and change the course of things for the better!
© 2015